The objective of the projector was analyze and compare contractor supplies which aided the Street Maintenance division of the Public Works department. The second objective was to determine the best way to complete maintenance plans using traditional supplies, versus using a new contractor supply. 
This project consisted of one project sponsor and four project managers managing different areas of the city of Dallas. Dominic's role in the project was one of the four project managers. Based on the division operations and our unique quadrants of the city, each manager had primary responsibility to test the new supply in potholes, level-ups, in low-traffic areas, in high-traffic areas, and compared what is called hot mix and cold mix materials. Last Dominic's unique responsibility was test the new supply in varying road, street, and alley structures across the quadrant he managed. 
Deliverables for the project included the overall assessment of the new material, its reliability, the machinery reliability, and the comparison to traditional street maintenance supply and equipments. 
A $100,000 trial budget was quickly ran through due many street defects scheduled for repair and the high cost of the material. What was determined was that the new supply did not meet the standards needed to be a successful supplier to department, or city of Dallas. The new material did not hold in high traffic areas, the material did not hold in rain, the material's cost-to-benefit ratio was too high, and the supplier equipment failed to operate multiple times for all four quadrant districts on multiple occasions.

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